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The Game of Choices

How to Play

1. Form a circle with the deck of cards!

2. When it is your turn, pull a card without breaking the circle. If the circle is broken when a card is pulled, then you must drink or strip one article!

3. Read the card title and task aloud (if it is a Rule, Game, Quickie or Choosin card), then complete the task. If you skip your turn or get caught not completing the card task exactly as stated on the card, you must drink or strip one article.

4. For “Dare” cards only, do not read the card title or task aloud. Do the task exactly as stated on the card or choose to do whatever you like. If a player believes you have created your own task, they must call out “Drink, Strip or Choosin”. If you are caught in the act of cheating, you must drink or strip one article. If you are not cheating and are actually doing the task stated on the card, the player who called out “Drink, Strip or Choosin” must drink or strip one article.

5. When a card is completed, the pulling player must keep the card face down in their own personal pile, until the end of the game. All cards that are skipped or that receive a correct call-out (picking player caught cheating), can not be counted towards a player's score and must be placed faced down in a separate pile. When the game is over (all cards are exhausted), each player must total the points of all of their completed cards and determine the winner.

6. Remember, if you accidentally show your card to another player without a call-out, read a dare card aloud, or skip your turn, you must drink or strip one article.

Play and drink responsibly!

Drink or Strip

Call out players by yelling "Drink", "Strip" or "Choosin". Call outs can be stacked i.e if a player goes out of turn + breaks the game circle + gets caught cheating on their card = Take 3 drinks or strip 3 articles of clothing.

1. If a player gets caught breaking the card circle.

2. If a player gets caught going out of turn.

3. If a player skips their turn.

4. If a player gets caught cheating during their turn (card task tells a player to kiss the player to their right, instead they hug the player to their left). 

5. If a player gets caught making a wrong call (stopping a game card or quickie card task too soon, calling "Drink", "Strip" or "Choosin" when the player is doing the card task correctly, or wrongly accusing a player of not following a rule card's rule, etc.). This includes if they stop a card task that is in progress by calling out "Drink", "Strip" or "Choosin" incorrectly. 

6. If a player rejects another player's task (a players gets up to kiss you on the forehead, and you do not allow them to) therefore the reject-ing player (you) would have to drink or strip, instead of the reject-ed player (them). 

7. If a player loses in a game card or quickie card task (i.e you gave the worst card task demonstration or were the last player to touch your nose, etc.). 

8. If a player gets caught breaking a rule card's rule. 

9. If a player reads their dare card aloud without another player calling out "Drink, Strip or Choosin" on them first. Keep in mind, players only show their card when they are called-out during their turn! 

*10. At the end of the game, all players except the high-score player must drink or strip one final time. 


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